Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hello, I need your help, help to save the children of Durango Mexico, because their "Children's Hospital" is still in the 20th century and maybe parts are stuck in the 19th as well.
I invented the portable USB EMR Medi-Chip and received a call from the Mayor of Durango who saw our site and wanted to order a large amount of Medi-Chips for the Children's Hospital. He asked me what was needed in order to use these Medi Bracelets and I told him the first item was a computer. He said well I guess that kills the deal because they don't have any in the hospital. I found that hard to believe so I called our Distributor in Mexico city and asked him to look into this problem.
Two days later I received a call from him telling me that i have to come there because there are a group of people, benefactors that would like to meet with me to discuss the possibility of even a larger order. So off I went to Durango... Hang in there I am getting to the point...
After meeting with the "benefactors" I was taken on a tour of the "Hospital". People in your worst nightmare you couldn't imagine something so, the only word I can find to say, is Backward.
Not one computer, not even a typewriter to record patient records, their lab had no microscope, their x-ray department was using a 25yr old portable x-ray machine that should have been retired 10 years previous and so on..
The hospital sees from newborns to 14yrs of age, that's it and the government pays everything so now you can see why they are so decrepit.

I concluded our deal for the Medi-Bands and told them that I would deliver them personally and also set up a WIFI system because i was donating 20 laptop computers and routers. Now here is where you come in.

Like I said they are poor, they can't afford very much so I need your help, if you can donate $5 or $10 or perhaps you can buy some boxes of band-aids or other disposable products that they can use, it would be a great help. If you donate $25+ I will give you a Free Medi-Chip and anyone donating any amount will receive a receipt for their taxes as a charity donation.

I have contacted the Clinton, Gates, and Dell foundation and received polite turn downs from them, so I guess it is up to me and you . Can you help?? Do without that latte one morning and give us that $5 to help the childern...
If you want further details or to donate anything contact me at : or 305-936-9018 Thank you very much..

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